Choosing the Right Hairdresser in Gisborne: Tips to Consider

by | Mar 13, 2023

Choosing a hairdresser can be a daunting task. It’s important to find someone who understands your needs, can execute your vision, and make you feel comfortable. Gisborne has many hairdressers, so it’s crucial to know what to look for when selecting one. In this article, we’ll provide tips to consider when choosing the right hairdresser in Gisborne.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Your Hair Type and Needs
  2. Researching Potential Hairdressers
  3. Reading Reviews and Testimonials
  4. Checking Qualifications and Experience
  5. Considering Location and Convenience
  6. Price and Value for Money
  7. Communication and Consultation
  8. Assessing the Salon’s Hygiene and Atmosphere
  9. Special Services and Offerings
  10. Customer Service and Satisfaction
  11. Understanding Your Stylist’s Techniques and Approach
  12. Building a Relationship with Your Hairdresser
  13. Trusting Your Instincts
  14. Maintaining Your Hair and Relationship with Your Hairdresser
  15. Conclusion

Understanding Your Hair Type and Needs

Before choosing a hairdresser, you need to understand your hair type and what you want to achieve with it. Consider the texture, length, and thickness of your hair, as well as any previous treatments you’ve had. Determine what style, color, and maintenance you’re looking for, and be prepared to communicate this with your potential hairdresser.

Researching Potential Hairdressers

Start by creating a list of potential hairdressers in Gisborne. Ask friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations, and conduct online searches for salons in your area. Look at their websites and social media pages, and read about their services, staff, and pricing.

Reading Reviews and Testimonials

Once you have a list of potential hairdressers, read reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Look for consistent positive feedback on their skills, customer service, and overall experience. Negative reviews should also be considered, but take them with a grain of salt and look for patterns or recurring issues.

Checking Qualifications and Experience

Check if your potential hairdresser is qualified and licensed to practice. Look for their education, training, and certifications, and inquire about their experience. Experienced hairdressers may have a higher price point, but they also bring more expertise and knowledge to the table.

Considering Location and Convenience

Consider the location and convenience of the salon. Choose a salon that’s easily accessible and convenient for you, whether it’s near your home, work, or other regular destinations. You don’t want to spend hours in traffic or traveling to your appointment.

Price and Value for Money

Price is a factor to consider when choosing a hairdresser, but it shouldn’t be the only one. Look for salons that offer value for money, meaning you’re getting quality services for a fair price. Don’t compromise quality for price, but also don’t overspend on services you don’t need.

Communication and Consultation

Effective communication is key when working with a hairdresser. Look for someone who listens to your needs, communicates clearly, and offers their professional opinion. A good hairdresser should also conduct a thorough consultation before starting any service.

Assessing the Salon’s Hygiene and Atmosphere

The salon’s hygiene and atmosphere should also be considered. Look for a clean, well-maintained space with a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Check if they use clean tools, equipment, and products, and ensure they adhere to health and safety regulations.

Special Services and Offerings

Consider if the salon offers any special services or offerings, such as bridal packages, special occasion styling, hair extensions, or other unique treatments. This can be an added bonus and make your hairdressing experience more enjoyable and convenient.

Customer Service and Satisfaction

Customer service is an essential part of any business, and hairdressing is no exception. Look for a salon that values its customers, provides excellent service, and ensures their satisfaction. They should be responsive to your needs and concerns, and willing to work with you to achieve your desired look.

Understanding Your Stylist’s Techniques and Approach

Each hairdresser has their own techniques and approach to styling hair. Consider if their style aligns with yours and if they can achieve the look you want. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and inquire about their process to ensure you’re on the same page.

Building a Relationship with Your Hairdresser

Building a relationship with your hairdresser can lead to better results and a more enjoyable experience. Find someone who you feel comfortable with, and who understands your hair and your preferences. This can lead to better communication and a more personalised service.

Trusting Your Instincts

Sometimes, the best way to choose a hairdresser is to trust your instincts. If you feel comfortable and confident with a certain hairdresser, give them a try. If you don’t feel a connection, it’s okay to move on and find someone who better suits your needs.

Maintaining Your Hair and Relationship with Your Hairdresser

Once you’ve found the right hairdresser, it’s important to maintain your hair and your relationship with them. Attend regular appointments to keep your hair in good condition, and communicate any changes or concerns you may have. This can lead to a long-lasting and successful partnership.


Choosing the right hairdresser in Gisborne requires careful consideration and research. By understanding your hair type and needs, researching potential hairdressers, considering location and convenience, and assessing their skills and customer service, you can find the perfect match. Trust your instincts and maintain a positive relationship with your hairdresser to achieve the best results.


  1. How often should I see my hairdresser?

It depends on your hair type and your desired style, but most people see their hairdresser every 4-8 weeks for maintenance.

  1. How can I find a hairdresser who specializes in my hair type?

Look for hairdressers who advertise their expertise in your specific hair type or ask for recommendations from people with similar hair.

  1. How can I communicate my desired style to my hairdresser?

Bring pictures or examples of styles you like, and be clear and specific in your communication. A good hairdresser will also provide their professional opinion and guidance.

  1. What should I do if I’m not happy with my hairdresser’s work?

Communicate your concerns with them and give them a chance to rectify the situation. If you’re still not satisfied, consider finding a new hairdresser.

  1. Can I switch between hairdressers at the same salon?

Yes, you can switch between hairdressers at the same salon if you’re not satisfied with your current one or if you want to try a different approach.